Game Unno Game

Người chơi 10154.
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1. Giới thiệu trò chơi Unno Game:

Chơi game Unno Game trên Poki com. Uno Card Game the fun, classic card game that is the favourite of all the card games. Its really easy to pick up and play and difficult to put down. Its simple to play but still has a strategic component to it

The objective of Uno Card Game is to empty all your cards before the other players get rid of theirs. The player reduces cards by discarding cards that match the top card in the Discard pile.. Hy vọng bạn yêu thích trò chơi này!

2. Hướng dẫn chơi game:

+ Dùng ⬅️⬆️➡️⬇️ hoặc phím WASD và Space để CHƠI

+ Ảnh game:

Game Unno Game hay

3. Thể loại Game

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