Game Gatogifts

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1. Giới thiệu trò chơi Gatogifts:

Chơi game Gatogifts trên Poki com. Gatogifts is a cute tap tap game. Munchkins is sleeping, but it needs you to keep feeding it. Because it's your love munchkins. You job is tap, tap, tap away at 4 amazing large circle. Each click can get different scores, scores can be large or small. Complete each task and reach the next level. There will be hidden rewards.. Hy vọng bạn yêu thích trò chơi này!

2. Hướng dẫn chơi game:

+ Dùng ⬅️⬆️➡️⬇️ hoặc phím WASD và Space để CHƠI

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